Saturday, March 28, 2009

Upheaval- the enriched status of women.

The stereotypical image of Pakistani woman has been that of a conservative, dejected and a miserable being that is forcefully confined within the four walls of her dwelling. However, in the recent times our culture has undergone a radical change. The women, who were known for remaining behind the veil, have now taken the frontage! Owing to the escalating rate of awareness due to media efforts, the contribution by the government, rising rate of education amongst the women clearly depict that they have a chief role to play in all aspects and no country can develop without the joint efforts of all its inhabitants.

Women now have the freedom to attain education, perform jobs and earn a livelihood, be it in the field of education or sports they have acordingly earned a respectable status and a separate unique identity for themselves. This trend is primarily increasing in the urban areas of the country. Undeniably there are still many areas of Pakistan that remain prone to immoral, unethical and brutal hostility and exploitation of the women at the hands of the male dominated, illiterate and sadistic societies, the most prominent examples of which include the violent practices against the women in Sindh, and NWFP region.

Mostly, the western media and even some ignorant citizens of Pakistan accuse ‘Islam’ for these brutalities without realizing that Islam is the only religion that grants women equal rights as the men. The elementary teachings and spirit of Islam are clearly unbiased; it regards men and women as honorable equals. Man is technically the head of the household, but Islam absolutely encourages matriarchy.

Therefore, the orthodox images of greatly emotional and concealed Pakistani women should be cut down by the media. Instead, the enrichment of the status and role of women over the past 60 years should be highlighted so that the upcoming generations rather feel proud of their culture and religion =)

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